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Letters to Nick

By Februari 27, 2012No Comments

It had been 5 weeks into my experiences as a teacher when one of my civic classes began to misbehave. I had tried my best to keep them interested in class by doing lots of activities, including drawing and writing. However, my efforts did not produce results.

There were times where I wanted to give up, but I kept reminding myself why I joined Teach For Malaysia. I joined to do my part, to prevent any of these kids from being brought to a police station, hospital, or the counselling room.

One day, in despair, I showed them an inspirational video of Nick Vujicic and it turned out great! I worried that they would not feel connected to his story but somehow, Nick’s story managed to grab their attention, and I found them taking their writing assignment very seriously. Close to 80 percent of the students wrote a letter to him. There were even 3 students who made me tear a little when they asked if they could write in English, as they were worried that Nick might not understand Bahasa Malaysia

From this, I learned an important lesson. All I have to do is to be 100 percent prepared with my lesson plan and material before entering the class, because students are eager to learn if they are given the chance and opportunity. And I witnessed the truth of that for myself when I saw 98 percent of my students engrossed in Nick Vujicic’s video clip. Thank you, Nick.

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During institute, Tan Kai Lee, a Teach For Malaysia Fellow, watched a video of Life without Limbs Founder Nick Vujicic. Born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterised by the absence of all four limb, Nick started his organisation at the age of 17, through which he travels the world, using his personal experiences to motivate others never to give up even in the face of the most desperate challenges. Inspired by Nick’s story, Kai Lee decided to use the same video to inspire her own students

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