Program TFM

Mulakan transformative leadership journey with the Fellowship as your foundation towards creating long-term systemic change in education.

Maklumat Program

Tarikh mulaJanuari 2025
Tempoh2 tahun
Ambilan15 October 2024 – 15 November 2024

Which Pathway Is For You?

Are you a fresh graduate/working adult?
The Teaching Partner Pathway is a full-time, fully-paid two-year Leadership Development Programme designed to equip aspiring leaders with the skills, on-ground experience and network to create change in the long run for: classrooms, communities, and the education system.

Muat turun sini for the Teaching Partner Pathway Infopack

Are you an existing KPM teacher?

The Novice Teacher Fellowship aims to empower and support novice teachers to reach student outcomes in their first few years of teaching. The programme complements MOE’s existing teacher development programmes through training workshops and direct coaching sessions.

Muat turun sini for the Novice Teacher Pathway Infopack

Masalah yang dihadapi

Every child deserves to create their future and live a life they truly love. However, a child’s background and systemic injustices often determine his or her outcome in life. Children from less privileged communities do not receive the same education opportunities. The pandemic in 2020 has further exacerbated this gap.

~50% daripada rakyat Malaysia berumur 15 tahun tidak boleh membaca. Malaysia berada di kedudukan 27% terbawah daripada semua negara untuk membaca.

Firma Malaysia mengatakan bahawa 82.5% bakat kurang kemahiran pengurusan dan kepimpinan.

Malaysia mempunyai masalah ketinggalan pelajaran yang tertinggi among Asian developing nations, potentially resulting in a lifetime income loss of 767.5 billion ringgit for the 5 million+ students in Malaysia.

Impak Kami Tertumpu Kepada


Guru Hos found co-teaching beneficial to improve student outcomes. (TFM Guru Hos Survey 2023)


Principals indicated that Fellows have contributed to the betterment of the school. (TFM Principal Survey 2023)


Fellowship Alumni continue to work in the broader education and social sector after the Fellowship. (TFM Alumni Survey 2023)

What Will You Do As A Fellow?

Year 1 of Fellowship

Building Fellows’ capacity in foundational pedagogical and leadership aspects.

Year 2 of Fellowship

Empower Fellows to drive change in their classroom, school, or community.

The Programme Highlight

Masterclass Series

Every cycle, Fellows will be gaining new skills and knowledge in pedagogy and leadership depending on the theme of the cycle.

One-on-one Coaching

On top of the training sessions, each Fellow will be paired with a coach to grow their capability as an educator and a leader.

Peer Learning and Cohort Culture

To create a movement that is sustainable, we build collective leadership among our
Fellows through strong PLC and Cohort culture experience.

Minggu TFM (TFM Week)

Fellows will have the chance to co-teach with influential people among our strategic partners such as celebrities, CEOs, and high-level government officers to provide opportunity for your students to meet someone inspiring.

Student Leadership Camp (SLC)

Fellows will equip the students with some design thinking skills and ensure the students have the chances to share their projects in school and pitch their ideas to get funds.

Dragon Dens

Similar like SLC but this opportunity is for teachers to scale up their initiative for the
school or community.Fellows through strong PLC and Cohort culture experience.

Perjalanan Anda Sebagai Seorang Felo TFM

Kriteria Kelayakan

If you match the criteria listed below, you are one application away from becoming a changemaker.

Fellows under the Teaching Partner Pathway are employed by Teach For Malaysia for two (2) years, and placed in high-need schools around Malaysia. Fellows under this pathway have the opportunity to collaborate with existing teachers (a.k.a. Guru Hos/ Host Teachers) to enhance classroom environment & outcomes for students with varying backgrounds and learning capabilities.

Sepanjang 2 tahun, Felo akan menghabiskan 50% masa mereka tertumpu pada pengajaran bilik darjah, 30% pada projek penglibatan komuniti, dan 20% pada pembangunan peribadi & profesional dengan Teach For Malaysia.

Berikut merupakan syarat-syarat kelayakan untuk memohon sebagai Felo dalam Program TFM:

  • Warganegara Malaysia berumur bawah 40 tahun
  • Memegang Ijazah Sarjana Muda bertauliah dalam apa-apa bidang
  • Menguasai Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris dalam bentuk lisan dan bertulis
  • Merupakan graduan daripada universiti tempatan atau luar negara
  • Mempunyai rekod akademik yang kukuh

Fellows under the Novice Teacher Pathway must be employed by the Ministry Of Education (MOE). Fellows under this pathway have the opportunity to empower and instil the belief that teachers are more than just a person who teaches in front of the class. They are also leaders of many talents and capabilities who can realize the true potential of themselves and others.

Berikut merupakan syarat-syarat kelayakan untuk memohon sebagai Felo dalam Program TFM:

  • Currently teaching in SK, SMK, SJK, Sekolah Orang Asli/Orang Asal
  • Currently teaching in Johor, Perak, Selangor, or Sarawak Posted to school as MOE teacher between 2020-2024 (0-5 years in the system)
  • Teaching either Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Inggeris or Sejarah

Apa Kata Felo-felo TFM?

Kenali Felo-felo TFM

Tulang belakang gerakan kami

LihatFellows Stories

Baca tentang program TFM

Kami ingin menjemput semua orang yang mempunyai minat yang mendalam terhadap pendidikan untuk menyertai komuniti kebangsaan kami yang terdiri daripada para pemimpin. 

Mohon Sekarang

Apply to be our Fellow today.

Perjalanan Program TFM

Learn more about the Fellowship’s leader development framework, what being a full-time teacher entails and an overview of our Alumni network.

Soalan-soalan Lazim Program TFM

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