Partner With Us

We all have a role to play in our children’s education. It is only through our collective efforts that education inequity will end. We collaborate with public and private sector partners who share the same values and beliefs, to impact and transform the education system. Partner with us in various activities today to see how you can support our initiative.

Partner With Us

We are extremely grateful to our partners and sponsors for their generous support

Strategic Partners

Champion Partners

Community Partners

Discovery Partners


Our Partnership Initiatives

Here are some of the ways we work with our partners to amplify the impact we’re creating together.

Accenture Student Leadership Camp (ASLC)

ASLC is an annual social innovation programme run in partnership with Accenture. Students work in teams under the mentorship of Accenture staff to develop and pitch solutions to local community challenges. Selected student groups receive funds to carry out their presented initiatives in their respective schools.

TFM Week

Every year for a week, we invite influential industry leaders from the public and private sector into our classrooms to impact students. Guests spend half a day co-teaching alongside a Fellow in a high-need school, and get the opportunity to interact directly with our students.

Dragons’ Den

Dragons’ Den is run annually as an opportunity for Fellows to pitch their education initiatives to a panel of corporate leaders (the “Dragons”) for seed funding. The Dragons are invited to give constructive feedback and may choose to invest or support any of the initiatives presented.

We are a partner with

Partner Opportunities

As a partner, you will play an important role in helping us to impact more students. Here are some ways you can contribute.

Fund a Fellow
Sponsor the impact of a Fellow to transform learning for 150 students


Mentor a Fellow
Collaborate with us to be part of the education movement impacting students in Malaysia


Fundraise for TFM
Explore other ways you can work with us to further champion the mission together


Additional Information

Brand Book

Download our Brand Book below


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