6:15pm – A photo op to end the day – because Ms Sugunah is cool like that. Stay tuned for updates from our fifth and final day of #TFMWeek tomorrow!

5:43pm – “Saya takut saya akan gagal. Saya usaha lagi, saya guna takut itu sebagai ubat saya untuk berusaha.” – Nik Fahmee
5:25pm – Nik Fahmee of AriseAsia is showcasing some seriously impressive teacher skills. “Nik plays an icebreaker with the kids before class commences. He gives the kids a statement and if they agree with it they’ll sit down and disagree, remain standing. His first statement? ‘Cikgu Kamil sangat handsome.’ No wonder the kids are all seated!”

4:49pm – In Timothy Tiah’s class, students are making memes! Here’s Cikgu Timothy teaching his students how to find images online.

4:48pm – Class begins for 2014 Fellow Cikgu Chee Hoo and his participant, Ms Sugunah from GE Malaysia!

4:13pm – Nuffnang founder Timothy Tiah, blogger Audrey Ooi, Cikgu Elizabeth and LDO Victoria prep their class for the day!

3:47pm – A final selfie to end the day with Fatimah Abu Bakar and Johan Merican!
3:21pm – Nuffnang founder Timothy Tiah and GE Malaysia’s HR Director Sugunah Verumandy prep for their classes.

2:44pm – Class may be over, but kids are still clamoring for Fatimah Abu Bakar’s autograph!

2:40pm – In another classroom, Cikgu Shie Haur and Cikgu Gabriel are using Bruno Mars to teach English! instagram.com/p/mmWko7RWjc/
2:38pm – In Dato’ Sharil’s class, students are learning that spreading rumours is SO NOT COOL.

2:33pm – Deputy Education Minister II YB P. Kamalanathan’s class is in session! Not sure who is more nervous, the Cikgu or the students!

2:28pm – “When using internet you must be smart. Look for the good knowledge. Because there is both good and bad online.” – Dato’ Sharil to his students.
2:02pm – Dato’ Sharil Tarmizi dives straight into his lesson on computers and the internet, complete with hands-on practice!

1:53pm – Cikgu Fatimah Abu Bakar is asking kids about their dreams for the future.

1:40pm – TalentCorp CEO Johan Merican is teaching Math Magic in class, and getting students involved too!

1:15pm – Cikgu Iqbal wraps up his lesson with his dream for the children of Malaysia!
1:05pm – Teach For Malaysia’s Strategy & Ops Director Shie Haur is preparing a song for his class with 2014 Fellow Gabriel!

12:50pm – “Come back next week!” The students challenge Li-Kai as he concludes his lesson.
12:13pm – Students are holding a “press conference” for Cikgu Yang’s special guest, En. Iqbal from CIMB Foundation!

11:30am – Dato’ Sharil Tarmizi, Chairman of Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, arrives for his lesson!

11:02am – Li-Kai’s class begins at Pulau Ketam. “I’m from Klang, just like you all.”

11:00am – They flip, they search, they cut – where has Cikgu Soo Ewe Jin hidden the treasures?!

10:39am – The Star Executive Editor Soo Ewe Jin has “treasures” hidden in the newspaper…and students have to find them!

10:30am – Partner at McKinsey and Teach For Malaysia Trustee Chen Li-Kai has arrived at SMK Pulau Ketam to teach with 2014 Fellow Joshua Tay!

9:52am – It’s breakfast time at SMK Tengku Idris Shah with participant Iqbal Abdul Rahim, Head of Corporate Responsibility at CIMB Foundation!

8:38am – Executive Editor at The Star Soo Ewe Jin has this advice for students: “Live a life of consequence, wherever you are, whether you are a teacher or a journalist.”
8:00am – Good morning once again readers! We wrapped up #TFMWeek in the northern region last night with a celebration dinner – only two days left until the end of #TFMWeek in the central region schools!