Teaching high-need students can be an exhilarating yet exhausting endeavour. Being a leader in the classroom for 150 students requires tenacity, grit and an incredible amount of passion. While some days may bring unspeakable joy, others can be downright frustrating. So why do Fellows choose to Teach For Malaysia?
Here, we look back on why Joyce Ching, a 2012 Fellow teaching Science in a Klang-district school, chose to Teach For Malaysia. And why she chooses, every single day, to persistently pour her energy and best efforts into the students who need her the most.

“To me, education is more than a means of survival and financial security. Education is that which shapes a person’s thoughts, without which an individual is void of an identity.
As an educator, I hope to 1) equip my students with basic knowledge and skills, 2) instill in my students a thirst for knowledge and the spirit of excellence, and 3) help my students discover themselves and develop as young adults. As a TFM Fellow, I hope to change the perceptions of teachers, peers, family members, and the larger community on underprivileged students. Although it may sound idealistic, a small foot forward each time will bring about changes in the years to come!”
Every day, Joyce along with each and every Fellow demonstrate their commitment to a larger mission – that One Day, all children in Malaysia will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.