5:36pm – And we’re officially done with day 2! Tired staff and volunteers are taking a well-deserved break before starting up all over again with another host of awesome participants tomorrow. Stay tuned!
4:43pm – 2014 Fellow Zarul to his students: “See the seeds? You are like the seeds. You are the answer to help keep the forests for your future children”
4:40pm – Hornbill pictured displayed. Mr.David: “What is this?” Excited Student :”DODO!”
4:35pm – Students get to be DJs in Malek Ali’s class today!

4:12pm – “Music that your grandfather and father likes to hear” – Malek Ali, describing BFM’s music selection to students.
3:48pm – An extra special participant: Our very own MD Dzameer Dzulkifli’s father, Mr Dzulkifli David!

3:36pm – BFM’s Malek Ali is in the house! Getting ready to teach with Fellow Rachel Lim.

3:05pm – “I wonder how many countries are help/ And why they help?” “We are all worried about you.” – Poem about MH370 written by students.
2:30pm – Girls being taught how to pose before their class photo at the end of Elaine Daly’s lesson!

2:24pm – “Can I write about MH370?” Students are asked to write a poem in class with Cikgu Nabihah and participant Nadiyah Ameer Tajuddin, Assistant Vice President at Khazanah Nasional Berhad.

1:40pm – “Students are in awe as Elaine Daly shows them her trophies and shares stories of her travels.”

1:14pm – Cikgu Elaine Daly reports for duty as 2014 Fellow Carmen Looi walks her through the plan for the day.

12:47pm – MD Dzameer in deep conversation with Assistant Governor Abu Hassan from Bank Negara before his teaching session begins.

12:22pm – “I needed to think, ask people and work hard to get what I like and what I want. It takes time.” – Zain HD
12:00pm – “At Google, we aim to solve big problems – we do that by having an open mind” – Parmeet Kaur, Google Malaysia to students at SMK Gemas.
11:50am – “Today, we are going to experience what it’s like to be disabled,” says participant Juneita Johari, columnist with the New Straits Times and Vice President of the Special Children Society of Ampang. “No matter what disabilities you have, you can still succeed in life.”

11:23am – Former Fellow and current Teach For Malaysia staff member is back at his old school, addressing his former students. “”Kalau nak berjaya, jangan pandang rendah potensi diri.”
11:05am – Lots of raised hands in Datuk Johan Jaafar’s Sejarah class! (And yes, that is 2014 Fellow Safwan dressed up to teach the chapter on Islamic civilisation…)

10:31am – Pauline Lum, Executive Director at PwC, gets ready for her class with 2014 Fellow Jasmine Tea.

10:28am – “Apa yang kamu beri, kamu akan dapat balik. Mungkin bukan hari ini, tetapi yang dapat balik boleh lebih dari yang diberi.” – Zain HD
10:12am – Participant Zain HD of Random Alphabets and Wago is addressing the school during assembly.

10:09am – “What makes a nation great? When students learn to ask great questions,” says former journalist Datuk Johan Jaafar of Media Prima to his classroom.
9:42am – From our Managing Director Dzameer as he observes a #TFMWeek classroom: “Theen Yew dresses up a MJ and plays the “Earth Song” music video for his English class… but this goes beyond creative class as the lady in green sitting down is a big supporter from the District Education Office and the lady in blue is the school principal that has received 7 Fellows to date.
This is really what #JoiningHands is about.”

9:38am – Meanwhile, in another classroom, Jaygan Fu of MyTeksi has taken the stage with Cikgu Daniel!

9:26am – Special guests in 2014 Fellow Theen Yew’s class today will include Teach For Malaysia trustee Dato’ Noor Rezan…and Michael Jackson.

8:28am – Meanwhile, the selfies continue en route, with this one of #TFMWeek volunteer and former Fellow Neoh Joon Kee and participant Zain HD:
8:24am – 2013 Fellow Safwan prepares his students for the arrival of their participant, Datuk Johan Jaafar, Chairman of the Board at Media Prima.

7:45am – Good morning! The sun is shining on day 2 of #TFMWeek, but many of our staff and participants have been on the rode since 4 or 5am. Our favourite evidence of these early morning road trips so far today has been this selfie of staff members Aishah Zainol, Ranjeetha Sivajanam and Goh Jing Pei with our trustee, Dato’ Noor Rezan Bapoo Hashim: