4:30pm – And that’s a wrap for day 1 of #TFMWeek! Staff and volunteers are taking a well-deserved break before going into schools for day 2. Stay tuned tomorrow when our live blog returns!
2:40pm – Ms. Elizabeth closing the class with advice for the students: “Make use of every opportunity. You’ll never know how they’ll come in handy.”

2:24pm – A reflection from former Fellow and current staff member Victoria Wong: “What can unite the citizens of Malaysians but the same heart and passion for the future generation? At the back of the class we have people from different races and occupations – from the left: Eugene from Sunway, Pn. Rohani from SMK Seberang Temerloh, Jane from Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, Jayne our TFM Intern, and Mr. Khairul the School Principal
Education is everyone’s responsibility. #joininghands”

2:10pm – En. Mazlan from IAB addresses his classroom. “I come from a small village in Kedah and I knew I had to study because I wanted to work and I wanted a family. So that’s what I did, I studied, I work and now I have a family. I also knew that I needed an idol to set the benchmark for my achievements. So if you want to be the best footballer, let Messi be your idol so you know how good you need to be.”

1:54pm – Sunway Group’s Elizabeth Lee gets her students to contemplate what they need to truly succeed in life.
12:44pm – Financial consultant Aida Azmi does double duty after her classroom stint, addressing the school’s accounting students. “In everything that you do, you should aspire to be a professional.”

12:07pm – Pengetua of SMK Seberang Temerloh En. Khairul briefing #TFMWeek participants Elizabeth Lee from Sunway Group and En Mazlan Samsudin, Timbalan Pengarah Khidmat Latihan Institut Aminuddin Baki.

11:52am – “I am in awe when I see how our minister Hishammuddin took and answered English questions during the MH370 press conferences. I hope my students can speak like him one day, if even just a bit!” SMK Redang Panjang Pengetua Encik Fairus speaking to Chrissy Hunter.

11:48am – Post-teaching session, guests are regaled with a performance from Cikgu Farihah’s choral speaking team!

10:50am – In another classroom, Pn Khoo Salma of Penang Heritage Trust is challenging her students to a Taiping Treasure Hunt of sorts – finding the city’s landmarks on a map!

10:20am – After their anatomy lesson with Dr Charles Wiener, students are drawing what they learned…on blank t-shirts!

9:51am – Dato’ Boonler, former CEO of Penang Skills Development Centre talking to students about “packaging yourself” for the future. “I am giving each of you a file for you to keep all your important certificates. I’m showing you mine.” He also gave students note books to write their thoughts for future reflections.

9:26am – What do you get when the Dean of Perdana University Graduate School of Medicine is your #TFMWeek participant? This:

8:49am – Dato’ Isaac Lugun brought a pic of his longhouse and stories of his childhood to #TFMWeek: “”When I was young, I could not afford shoes… There is hope for even the most deprived in Malaysia.”
8:45am – “Education in primary & secondary school determines how well students do as adults…Your work here gets me the great adults I teach at medical school who will become the physicians for Malaysia.” – Dr Charles Wiener, addressing teachers at his #TFMWeek school.
8:42am – 2014 Fellow Yiyi Wong going over her lesson plan with participant Dato’ Isaac Lugun of Cahya Mata Sarawak, no stranger to education inequity himself. “We didn’t have Math teachers, because no one wanted to come to teach us.”

7:32am – Our very first participant of the day gears up. “Beautiful sunrise at SMK Tengku Menteri for the start of #TFMweek! Dr Charles of Perdana Grad school of Medicine is teaching today :)”

7:15am – It’s bright and early on a Monday morning, but staff, volunteers – and even some participants! – are already in schools setting up for the day ahead!