We asked a few of our amazing Campus Leaders to tell us why they applied to be a Campus Leader and share a memorable Campus Leader moment with us. Here’s what they shared:

“I’ve always been interested in Teach For Malaysia’s mission, and since I have a few years before I graduate, I applied to be a Campus Leader. I wanted to learn more about the organisation and connect with people who are as passionate about education as I am. Being a Campus Leader really helps me understand how the Fellowship works and I get to be a part of education transformation in our country.” – Syaza Nazura

“As a Campus Leader, I get to meet many amazing people and hear their life- changing and inspiring stories. It improved my leadership and communication skills as well. I learnt that there is so much one can do to make a change, and it isn’t an overnight miracle.” – Mirosha Somasundram

“For me, a memorable experience as a Campus Leader was organising an art workshop last summer where students built replicas of the Eiffel tower and Colisuem. The Fellows were awesome and warmly welcomed me to their school (and their home!). The students’ handwritten feedback at the end of the two days were so touching and frank, I brought the whole stack back with me to Lyon. Maybe one day, I’d be able to bring the students to see the Eiffel tower and Coliseum for themselves.” – Justin Lim
Join Syaza,Mirosha and Justin today!