“The race I remember the most is in 1977, when I fell, but I got up and kept on running. I still won 2nd place and got a standing ovation. I found out after the race I got a torn ligament, but I still kept running” – Datuk Marina Chin
Photo Credit: Teach For Malaysia Creative Team
“I believe that education is for all and excellence is for all.” – En. Mohd Fadzli Bin Abd. Rozan, Ketua Penolong Pengarah – JPN Sabah
“I used to run, but not run away from school!” –Datuk Marina Chin, who ran for her country instead!
“NEVER give up. There must be excellence in everything you do.” – Datuk Yong Soo Heong, General Manager of BERNAMA
Teach For Malaysia’s Training & Support Director Dossier White: “Where are you going?”
Student (while busily making a boat out of newspaper): “England!”
Photo Credit: Joanna Khoo
“Your teachers are your ‘lampu suluh’.” – Datuk Yong
Aishah Sinclair: “Umur saya 33.”
Students: “HAA?!!”
“School is challenging, but so is life. You need determination to get through it.” – Aishah Sinclair
“Funniest questions my kids had for Cikgu Aireen:
1. Kenapa ibubapa kita selalu marah?
2. Cikgu Aireen sihat ke hari ni?” – Fellow Alina Amir, after her class with AirAsia CEO Aireen OmarPhoto Credit: Teach For Malaysia Creative Team
“Pengetua diberi gelaran Yang Berusaha kerana kena banyak usaha!” – Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohamed Mustafa Ishak, Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Utara Malaysia
“THIS!” – Aishah Sinclair, when asked which was more nerve-wracking: preparing for a show, or teaching in a classroom.
Photo Credit: Aishah Sinclair
It’s Teach For Malaysia Week, and we’ve rounded up the best, most inspiring, or funniest quotes we’ve been hearing in all our schools in this recap! Here’s the round-up for Day 2.To follow along with our #TFMWeek adventures, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter & Instagram (@TeachForMsia).