Incoming 2014 Fellow, Cherane Christopher, shares why she wants to Teach For Malaysia. Cherane, originally from Sabah, is a graduate of UiTM Shah Alam and is among the 24 2014 Fellows so far – selected from over 250 applications!

“I didn’t know it at the time, but growing up I was considered a poor student. Both my parents were paddy farmers. I only handled a computer on my own while I was in Form 3, and had never known any life besides the bubble that I lived inside my village.
But my parents they believed in their children, making sure we understood that education is how we make it in this world. As a Teach For Malaysia fellow, I would like to impart this knowledge: despite how or where we started from, we are in control of our lives. I know it won’t be easy and the road will be long, but if I manage to show [students] that they can become more than what they ever dreamed of, it would be all worth it.”
Join Cherane and a whole cohort of other young leaders in making an impact on the lives of high-need students and helping them to do more than dream. Apply to join the Teach For Malaysia Fellowship and be a part of the #DoMoreThanDream movement! Our next deadline is May 20th.